Chain Reaction 2016

breaking free from nuclear weapons

Chain Reaction 2016

A global action for nuclear disarmament

A nuclear bomb destroys through an uncontrollable chain reaction of atoms being split in two. There are over 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world’s arsenals – ready to destroy the world.

From July to October 2016, civil society around the world is acting in a Chain Reaction of peace to highlight the immorality and insecurity of nuclear weapons, to oppose the institutions and policies perpetuating the nuclear arms race, and to support nuclear disarmament actions by governments and the United Nations.

This action is engaging youth, environmentalists, parliamentarians, mayors, religious leaders, human rights activists and other representatives of civil society.

Click here  for a hard-copy Chain Reaction 2016 flyer.

Chain Reaction is facilitated by UNFOLD ZERO and the Basel Peace Office.

Organise your event

Chain Reaction is open to all sorts of creative nonviolent events and actions to protest nuclear weapons activities or to celebrate nuclear disarmament initiatives.

This can include activities at nuclear weapons facilities, at corporations that make nuclear weapons or banks that invest in them, at city councils that have declared themselves nuclear-free, or at parliaments and foreign ministries of countries that are promoting nuclear abolition globally.

Regular nuclear disarmament actions can be included in Chain Reaction: vigils, petitions, film screenings, seminars, exhibitions, tree-plantings, commemorations of peace days, demonstrations or other non-violent actions.

Chain Reaction also encourages creative, symbolic and visual actions. Some ideas:

  • Pushing model nuclear missiles over to fall like dominoes in a chain reaction;
  • Holding hands to make a human chain for peace;
  • Delivering an iron chain to the manager of the nuclear weapon facility, corporation or bank investing in nuclear weapons with the message – ‘Free yourself from the nuclear chain’;
  • Doing a bike ride for peace to a nuclear weapon facility, with the message ‘Bike chains for peace, not nuclear chains for war.’
  • Designing an online visual chain reaction of peace showing how quickly nuclear abolition can be achieved if each person convinces two others to take action;
  • Performing Aretha Franklin’s ‘Chain of Fools’ with a ‘Nuclear chain of fools’ message.

We invite you to use your imagination and create your own activity.

The period July 8 – October 2 takes in a number of key anniversaries and international commemorative days:

  • July 8: 20th anniversary of the International Court of Justice historic case on nuclear weapons
  • July 16: 71st anniversary of the first nuclear test at Alamogordo, USA
  • August 6: 71st anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima
  • August 9: 71st anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki
  • August 9: International Day for Indigenous Peoples. (Indigenous peoples’ lands have been used for nuclear testing, uranium mining and other activities in the nuclear weapons infrastructure)
  • August 12: International Day for Youth (nuclear weapons threaten youth and future generations)
  • August 29: International Day Against Nuclear Tests
  • September 21: International Day for Peace
  • September 26: International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
  • October 2: International Day of Nonviolence. Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday.

The map below illustrates events that are part of Chain Reaction.
Click on the location for more information or see the list of Chain Reaction events below.







Costa Rica

  • National Assembly (parliament), August 6. Debate and adoption of a resolution commemorating Hiroshima Day. Contact Alexandra Arce

Czech Republic

  •  Prague Bike around the Bomb. August 14. A bike ride from Hradcany Square (where U.S. President Obama delivered his famous nuclear disarmament speech) around the perimeter of destruction that would be caused by a nuclear bomb. Contact Marzhan Nurzhan


  • Group of Fasters Against Nuclear Weapons (August 6-9, 2016 – Paris, Dijon-Valduc, Bordeaux-Mégajoule, La Hague, Île Longue-Brest)


Aalen. Hiroshima Memorial with a chain of lights from the City Hall to the Market Fountain. Contact

Berlin. Abolition 2000 Annual Meeting International Conference. September 30-October 3. Contact

Berlin. Symbolic public action for Chain Reaction. October 2, 2016.

Büchel. 20 weeks against 20 nuclear bombs. 26 March-August 9, 2016. Events include:
–  Büchel, Aug 6-9. Fast for nuclear abolition.
– Büchel August 7th  : Surrounding  the Nuclear Base,
– Cochem Augst 8th:  No Plutonium, street actions in Cochem near Büchel
Contact: Wolfgang Schlupp-Hauck

Esslingen. Commemoration 71 years of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. August 6, 2016. 10AM at Nikolauskapelle (Innere Brücke). Contact

Karlsruhe. Vigil “We are Hibakusha”. July 8, 2016. Contact

Karlsruhe. Vigil Against Nuclear Weapons at Hiroshima Day. August 6, 2016. 11AM-1PM. Wald-/ Kaiserstr (in front of the fountain). Contact

Stuttgart. Vigil “Hiroshima and Nagasaki“. 6:00PM-7:00PM. Meeting point in front of Patch-Barracks main gate at Haupstrasse. August 5, 2016. Contact

Müllheim. Hiroshima Day 2016: Memorial event for the Victims of Hiroshima. August 6, 2016. 10AM at Marktplatz. Contact:

Schwäbisch Gmünd. Vigil “Remember Hiroshima”. August 6, 2016. 10AM-11AM at Marktplatz. Contact:

Tübingen. Vigil and information session on the occasion of Hiroshima Day. August 6, 2016. 10AM-1PM at Holzmarkt. Contact

Multiple locations. Mayors for Peace Flaggenstädte 2016. July 8, 2016 – 207 multiple locations in Germany and Austria

“On the Road for Peace”: Ingolstadt/Manching, Nördlingen, Mutlangen, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Ramstein/Kaiserslautern. July 31-August 6, 2016. Contact

12th Peacemakers-Marathon. Route: Heidelberg, Mannheim, Kaiserslautern, Ramstein, Neustadt/Weinstraße, Bretten, Pforzheim, Haigerloch, Stuttgart, Bretten. August 6-7, 2016. Contact


  • Remembrance of the ICJ Advisory Opinion on Nuclear Weapons (July 8, 2016 – Rome)
  • PACE IN BICI 2016, 5 August to 9 August. Bike ride from Site Pluto in Longare (a former US nuclear weapons “secret” storage bunker under the hills just south of Vicenza), to Aviano USAF base, where there are still nuclear weapons. For a nuclear-weapon free world! Organised by BEATI I COSTRUTTORI DI PACE and the Italian Disarmament Network.
  • Brescia, August 6th. Un mondo senza atomiche. Bike ride around the kaki trees of Nagasaki, through the garden of the Primary School Calini
    (where there is an air-raid shelter from the Second World War) to Garden of Santa Giulia Museum, where there is the Aoghiri Tree from A-bombed Hiroshima. In Brescia Area there is the Military Base of Ghedi, with its atomic weapons. Contact World Without Wars and Violence.
  • Trieste, August 6th. Hiroshima e Nagasaki in Poetry around the Kaki Tree of Nagasaki and the Rose “Song of Hiroshima” poems by
    R. Ruju, T. Piccini, C. Sibelia, E. Ugolini, D. Dolci.  Trieste is a nuclear harbour, very closed to Aviano, a military base with atomic weapons. Contact World Without Wars and Violence,


  • Event at Jordan University to commemorate the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. 27 September, 2016. Co-sponsors: PNND and Arab Center for Strategic Security Studies. Contact Salwa al Damen Masri at


The Netherlands:

New Zealand:


  • Group of Fasters Against Nuclear Weapons (August 6-9, 2016 – Lagos)



  • Group of Fasters Against Nuclear Weapons (August 6-9, 2016 – Lomé)

United Kingdom:

United States:

International Actions and Events

The Nuclear Prayer
A short prayer for a nuclear-weapon-free world which will be used in places or worship around the world on key Chain Reaction 2016 dates including Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days. Organised by United Religions Initiative. Click here for video of prominent people reciting the prayer.

Bike around the Bomb
Bike rides in a number of cities which trace the perimeter of destruction that would be caused by a nuclear bomb size of the one that was dropped on Hiroshima. Join a ride or organise one yourself. Coordinated by Global Zero.

A nuclear-weapon-free world; Our Common Good
Gather endorsements for this joint statement of legislators and religious leaders to present to the new United Nations Secretary-General. Coordinated by UNFOLD ZERO.

International fasts for nuclear abolition
Fasts around the world from August 6-9. Contact

Apology for Atomic Bombings
A prayer of apology for the use of nuclear weapons against Japan. Prepared by Scott Wright and Art Laffin, and endorsed by numerous U.S. faith-based groups and organisations promoting non-violence. Contact


Chain Reaction highlights, and will impact on, key initiatives at the United Nations for nuclear disarmament. These include:

UNFOLD ZERO will report to the UN Secretary-General, UN General Assembly and governments participating in the OEWG on Chain Reaction events around the world.


Chain Reaction is a campaign of UNFOLD ZERO and is co-sponsored by:
