UN in Geneva to hold commemorative event on September 25


UNFOLD ZERO and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
cordially invite you to the UN commemoration of the

International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

Kazakh Room (Cinema Room XIV), Palais des Nations
Thursday September 25, 2014. 16:00 – 17:30
followed by reception

Co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Indonesia, Kazakhstan and New Zealand

(See below for cosponsoring international organisations and non-governmental organisations)


H.E. Michael Moller, Director General of the UN in Geneva

Gabriele Kraatz-Wadsack, United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs – Geneva

H.E. Triyono Wibowo, Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the UN

H.E. Mukhtar Tileuberdi, Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the UN

H.E. Jorge Lomónaco, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UN

Anda Filip, Inter Parliamentary Union

Aaron Tovish, Mayors for Peace

 Jana Jedlickova, UNFOLD ZERO


Film preview:
The Man who saved the World
A documentary, to be released at the Woodstock Film Festival in October 2014, about an incident on Sep 26, 1983 in which we nearly had a nuclear weapons exchange.


September 26 is the first International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. It was established by UN General Assembly Resolution 68/32. The aim of the day is to enhance ‘public awareness and education about the threat posed to humanity by nuclear weapons and the necessity for their total elimination, in order to mobilize international efforts towards achieving the common goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world.’

UNFOLD ZERO, an NGO initiative to promote UN-focused nuclear disarmament initiatives, is promoting the day and providing a global platform for governments, parliaments, cities and civil society to post announcements and reports of commemorative actions and events.

A UN pass is required to attend. Contact: info@unfoldzero.org or phone +41 788 912 156+41 788 912 156

Co-sponsoring international organisations: Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Co-sponsoring NGOs: 2020 Action, Abolition 2000 – Aotearoa/New Zealand, Africa’s Development and the Threat Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction Project, African Parliamentarian Network for a Climate Community in West and Central Africa, Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace, Arrêtez La Bombe, Associazione Italiana Medicina per la Prevenzione della Guerra Nucleare (IPPNW-Italy), the ATOM Project, Ban All Nukes generation (BANg), Blue Banner, Canadian Pugwash, EarthAction, Center for Development of International Law (USA), City Montessori School, (Lucknow, India), Danske Læger Mod Kernevåben (IPPNW Denmark), Economists for Peace and Security (Netherlands/Flanders chapter), Eradicating Ecocide Global Initiative, Frauen für den Frieden (Women for Peace), Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen e.V., Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace, Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Global Security Institute, Green Cross, Hague Appeal for Peace, Helen Caldicott Foundation, Human Survival Project, Institute for Security Studies (South Africa), International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, International Association of Peace Messenger Cities, International Fellowship of Reconciliation, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility, International Peace Bureau, International Security Forum (Cyprus), IPPNW Costa Rica, IPPNW-India, IPPNW-Iran, IPPNW Student Movement, IPPNW-Ukraine, Irish Doctors Environmental Association, Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo), L’Observatoire des Armements, the Jennifer Simons Foundation, Kampagnenrat ‘atomwaffenfrei.jetzt’ (Germany) Lääkärin sosiaalinen vastuu (Physicians for Social Responsibility – Finland), Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy, Making Peace, Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility, Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision Campaign, Medact (UK), Medicos Mexicanos para la Prevencion de las Guerra Nuclear (IPPNW-Mexico), National Peace Academy (USA), Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Polemologie (IPPNW Netherlands), Nei til atomvapen (No to nuclear arms), New Zealand Peace Foundation, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, NGO Committee for Disarmament (Geneva), NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security (New York), Norge Fredsrad, Norske leger mot atomvåpen (IPPNW-Norway), Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), Pax Christi International, Peace Action (USA), PeaceNetwork (Republic of Korea), Physicians for Global Survival (IPPNW Canada), Physicians for Social Responsibility Switzerland (IPPNW Schweiz), PragueVision, Pugwash Denmark, Quaker Peace and Service (Aotearoa-New Zealand), Religions for Peace, Rissho Kosei-kai, Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Soka Gakkai International, Soldiers of Peace (Ukraine), swisspeace, Tehran Peace Museum, UK and Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities, United Nations Association (NZ), United Religions Initiative, Uniting for Peace, Universal Models for Peace, World Academy of Art and Science, World Evangelical Alliance, World Federalist Movement, World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), World Future Council, World Movement for Rights of Children, World without Wars and Violence, Youth Future Project.