Tensions between North Korea and the US, and between Russia and the West, are increasing the risk of a nuclear catastrophe.
September 26 is the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (Nuclear Abolition Day). It was established in 2013 by the United Nations General Assembly to encourage governments and civil society to act to eliminate the risk of nuclear war and achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world.
On this day, join parliamentarians, mayors, religious communities, youth, artists, activists and others around the world to Reach HIGH for a nuclear-weapon-free world.
Social Media action
- Take a photo of yourself, or you and others, on a high place or reaching high, or lifting a peace sign/object up high;
- Post your photo on social media with the hastags #ReachHIGH2018, #Sep26dontNukeUs, #abolishnukes, and/or #YouthAgainstNukes.
Contact UNFOLD ZERO for a sample peace sign to use in your action.
Promote a nuclear-weapon-free world
Reach HIGH for a nuclear-weapon-free world aims to raise awareness about the 2018 UN High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament, and to push governments to adopt significant nuclear disarmament measures at the conference. These could include:
- Non-nuclear governments ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;
- Nuclear-armed countries announcing reductions in stockpiles and an end to nuclear modernisation;
- Nuclear armed and allied States adopting a no-first use declaration, and agreeing on a framework for achieving a nuclear-weapon-free world;
- Starting negotiations for nuclear-weapon-free zones in North East Asia and the Middle East.
These ideas have been discussed at a number of round-table events of government representatives, security experts and civil society representatives in Vienna, Geneva, Berlin, London, Washington DC and New York. The most recent was one hosted by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy entitled ‘Visions for the 2018 UN High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament.’
Call on your government to attend at the highest level.
The best way to ensure success of the 2018 UN High Level Conference is for governments to attend at the highest level (Prime Minister/President or Foreign Minister). If they do this, there is every expectation that they will adopt, or make significant progress on, nuclear disarmament measures at the conference.
Click here for a sample letter to your government. And remember to keep watching www.unfoldzero.org for updates and events.